
Remember last month when Marvel was offering over 700 issues #1 for free? And we all crashed their servers? Well, the promotion is back. If you signed up to be notified when it was available, you probably received an email today. (Check your spam folder if you didn’t get it.)

Or just click this link to ComiXology between now and tomorrow at 11:59 p.m. to sign up for your promo invitation. Although the email says to “register for a free ComiXology account,” you can still sign up for the promotion with an existing account. I tested it, purely for research purposes, of course 😉

Invitations will start rolling out on April 11. Watch for yours. You’ll only have 48 hours to select the issues you want. Might be a good idea to take Friday off so you can browse. It’ll take you a while to go through 700 issues to find the ones you want. However, don’t tell your boss I suggested it.


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