image Sure though, comp-sci professor Christos H. Papadimitriou, author of Turing (A Novel about Computation), wants the MIT Press to publish an e-book version. That’s the professor in the photo below.

He wrote me: "Obviously I’d love to see this. Let’s see how they react to the idea."

Currently, the only versions of his book online are pirated—scanned from the p-edition and mocking those who think DRM can protect books.

image For book people who don’t know, mathematician Alan Turing is regarded by some as the father of modern computer science. Talk about the ironies of there being no e-book, even five years after publication of the Papadimitriou novel!

On top of that, the Press and ASIS&T published Scholarly Publishing: The Electronic Frontier, the last chapter of which contains a 1990s incarnation of my TeleRead proposal for well-stocked national digital libraries integrated with local and academic libraries and schools.


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