Elinea logo2

We reported on thelauch of eLinea earlier.  Now it looks as if they are going global.  From their blog:

Fleur Stigter writes about new online publishing initiatives and critically examined eLinea in an extensive article. Stigter: “since February the Dutch have access to a unique news service […] and important Dutch publishers are very willing to participate.” She wonders: will eLinea sweep international news organisations off their feet?

In her article Fleur gives a detailled overview of the development of eLinea and how the service works. What does eLinea offer to participating publishers and what does the subscription model look like? And what are the results so far in The Netherlands? She also spoke with Michel Suijkerbuijk, owner of eReaders Groep, the young and independent company behind eLinea. He motivates why eLinea suits his way of doing business: he wishes to help start projects that benefit environment, society and economy.

Fleur also researched the current situation of eLinea in The Netherlands and assessed among others the results so far and the online buzz. She also noticed that we, eReaders Groep, are very clear and confident about our international ambitions. Before this summer we expect to enter the Flemish market and we are also busy preparing the launch of two English eLinea platforms, one for the British market and one for the European market. The public launch of eLinea.com is scheduled for October 1, 2011. Publishers who are interested in issuing their digital content through eLinea are invited to participate in the international pilot scheme.

Read the full article of Fleur Stigter on Tell Fleur.

Thanks to @NatasjaO for the heads up.


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