global tablet marketAmazon Now Bundling Kindle Unlimited with New Kindles, Fire Tablets (The Digital Reader)
If you’ve been waiting to pick up a Kindle on Black Friday then I have some good news for you: a better deal has come along.

The Global Tablet Market is Slowing Down, Says IDC (GigaOM)
It’s been clear for a while that iPads and other tablets follow a much longer upgrade cycle than smartphones. A new report from IDC backs up this anecdotal trend with sales estimates.

Dear Library Forgive Me (Book Riot)
This is not a love letter. This is an apology. Remember when we used to see each other all the time? It was great, wasn’t it?

Kobo Sees Opportunities for Self-Publishing in Europe (Publishing Perspectives)
Camille Mofidi of Kobo Writing Life explains how the platform is helping writers in France, Germany and Italy leverage self-publishing opportunities.

Kindle Daily Deal: They’re Watching (and others)


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