RuschIndian Government Orders 32 Websites Blocked (Techdirt)
According to a developing story in the Times of India, some users in India are unable to access major international Web sites, including GitHub, Pastebin and DailyMotion:

How Self-Publishing Services Blossomed in 2014 (Media Shift)
In 2014 it seems that both publishers and authors accepted the fact that self-publishing and traditional publishing are not mutually exclusive.

Apple Designs a New Stylus That Digitizes Notes Drawn on Paper (GoodeReader)
Apple has designed and patented a new stylus that will digitize drawings and notes drawn on physical paper. This will appeal to authors who prefer to write their novels or designers who have a brilliant idea while jotting something down on a napkin.

Business Musings: Things I Learned (or Relearned) in 2014 (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
2014 was one of those years where frustration seemed to be the dominant emotion for me. Some of the lessons I learned twenty years ago got refined for the new age, and some of the new things I learned took more time than I anticipated. I also learned a few things about other people in general, some of which I did not want to know. The good things about other people though, came through strong, and that was truly wonderful.

Kindle Daily Deal: Award-Winning and Top-Rated Fiction (and others)


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