audiobooksThe Year I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Audiobooks (Book Riot)
This year is the year I fell head over heels for audiobooks. There’s no way I won’t always think of this year that way. It’s the year I spent seven and a half hours on the road to and from work each week listening to other people read to me in my car.

Daphne Du Maurier Books go Digital for Rebecca’s 75th Birthday (GalleyCat)
Daphne du Maurier’s timeless novel Rebecca is turning 75 this year, and to celebrate Little, Brown and Company is publishing 27 of the author’s titles digitally for the first time.

Kindle for Android Updated with Collections, New Option to Enable/Disable Publisher Formatting (The Digital Reader)
Amazon rolled out a new update for the Kindle Android app yesterday. In addition to the usual bug fixes, the app also gained a couple new features, some improvements which you might not notice, and at least one feature that took me several minutes to find.

What is the Lifespan of  Research Article? (The Scholarly Kitchen)
An analysis of article downloads from 2,812 academic and professional journals published by 13 presses in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities reveals extensive usage of articles years after publication.

Kindle Daily Deals: The Disenchanted Widow (and 4 others)


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