Screen shot 2010-03-23 at 5.07.00 PM.pngThe Smith Papyrus was written in Egyptian hieratic script around the 17th century BCE but probably based on material from a thousand years earlier. The papyrus is a textbook on trauma surgery, and describes anatomical observations and the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of numerous injuries in exquisite detail.

“The technical challenges of digitally transforming and making this scroll available on a personal computer were enormous,” said George Thoma, PhD, chief of the Communications Engineering Branch at Lister Hill Center at NLM. Thoma led the technical efforts and team at NLM. “The memory requirements were immense, so we had to come up with ways to manage the memory for home use. We created the illusion of rolling and unrolling by superimposing the frame by frame animation of the rolled section of the scroll on the large image of the entire papyrus.”

You can find it here, along with other works. More details here at Resource Shelf, also.


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