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Android users now have a new application for reading ebooks. This time, she just Numilog, and is an adaptation of the application that we already know about iPhone and iPad. It is therefore a gateway to the bookstore distributor Hachette, with ePub and PDF reader integrated. The features listed on the page of the Android Market are still the classic full-text search, bookmarks, annotations, highlighting, automatic synchronization between devices ebooks authenticated by the same account Numilog. In addition, this application refers to various outlets Numilog (Darty to the library through Mollat ​​Carrefour). These distributors will be able to advise their users to use the program. Among the upcoming features for version 1.0, you will find the download extracts as well as better support for reading offline. Upon completion, this is obviously the company Diotasoft as shown in the Android Market.

Android users, please give us your opinion. To download Numilog for Android, visit the Market .

Thanks to eBookNewser for the heads up.


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