New Digital Journal Of Fiction Launched:

Aoife Walsh, who worked as an assistant editor with Four Courts Press and is now Information Officer with Ireland Literature Exchange, has launched a new quarterly ejournal of new fiction, The South Circular.

Walsh said that she had ‘been watching the irresistible way in which digital is changing the consumption of content’ and that ‘rather than fear[ing] these developments, THE SOUTH CIRCULAR is committed to being an active participant in this continuing conversation on the communal reinvention of the publishing process.’

The journal has started accepting submissions from unpublished writers, from Ireland and abroad, of short stories of up to 2,000 words. Issue 1 will be published in March 2012.

The closing date, for stories to be considered for issue 1, is Monday, 12 December 2011.

For submission guidelines, please visit:

(Via Irish Publishing News.)


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