Screen shot 2010-08-30 at 9.52.11 AM.pngDavid Blatner of InDesign Secrets has a review of a new program that will import SVG (scalable vector graphics) into InDesign. He likes what he sees:

While Adobe’s Digital Editions software supports Flash, a number of other epub readers don’t. LIke, um, most of them, including iBooks on the iPad. So what is an epub publisher to do with vector graphics? Usually, they just get rasterized (turned into bitmaps), which is pretty icky. Or, you can hand code a link to SVG into epub, which is even ickier.

But check this out: A third-party developer has recently come up with a way to let InDesign import SVG files:

I have only played with their demo, but it’s cool enough that I wanted to let you all know about it. Currently, the Mac version isn’t working properly for me (I think the installer is broken), but the Windows version seems to work just fine.

More details in the review.


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