Press release. Besides LIT for Microsoft Reader, other supported formats include HTML, XML, DOC, and PDF. The latter can be in “tagged” format, which will make it easier to produce reflowable text–so useful on smaller devices. Regardless, Adobe is a long way from taking the prize when it comes to the matter of a system for handhelds. If you want to give users control over the display of text, then alternatives are better.


  1. This is very interesting, and in fact I was going to purchase an older version of Abby Finereader for my PG scans. But their price never has been realistic for consumers The version you’re talking about is 8.0, which will retail for $399.

    Even 7.0 retails for $299. (6.0 which is 3 years old goes for under $100).

    Cool idea, and I’m glad the Abby people are thinking about new ways to make their product better. But of course its usefulness depends on first and foremost its accuracy.

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