“Online magazine publisher Salon Media Group, Inc., faces the prospect of going out of business if it can’t raise money this summer, according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.” – AP, via the New York Times, June 27.

The TeleRead take: So even with the optional Salon Premier subscription plan, Salon isn’t making it? This is a most unfortunate evidence to back up our mantra that good content costs. Salon can be infuriating at times–but despite its many flaws I’d miss it if it were gone.

What about this free TeleBlog? Well, it and the rest of TeleRead are absolutely free of any corporate entanglements. But I’d love to be able to give it more time. I remain in search of a business model that would not compromise TeleRead‘s integrity. Feedback welcome on this and other matters. As best I can determine from stats from LFC Hosting, at least several thousand people a week are now reading the TeleBlog.


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