Googletalk logoOver at Internet Tablet Talk, the talk is all about how Google and Nokia will announce a collaboration on Tuesday, in which Google Talk will run on the Nokia 770 — both the IM aspect and the talk feature.

Of course, this enables Google — funder of the San Francisco WiFi cloud, potential broadband supplier countrywide — to boost the walkaround web without helping out Microsoft’s UMPC initiative directly. Now you will be able to IM from anywhere, literally. Now you’ll be able to call from anywhere for free.

The more useful these portable devices with 800-pixel-wide screens become, the more ubiquitous they’ll be. And the more publishers will pay attention to them as e-reading devices.

Nokia and Google’s partnership will benefit them both, but e-book readers will benefit the most.

Stories in Register and Wall Street Journal (reg. might be required for Journal story).

(Time stamp changed.)


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