NPD Group logoA press release from market research company NPD claims that according to a new report it has issued, 93% of e-book reader owners claim to be “very” or “somewhat satisfied” with their devices, and only 2% of owners expressed dissatisfaction at all.

The release goes on to discuss the features e-reader owners enjoy and want, and also mentions that about 30% of e-reader owners also read e-books on other devices, such as PCs or smartphones, as well.

The press release indicates that over 1,000 e-reader owners “identified from NPD’s online panel” took part in the survey. It is not clear exactly what NPD’s online panel was or whether it might have led to a selection bias.

It would be interesting to read the report itself, but the only link for it on NPD’s special reports page leads to a contact form for more information about NPD’s products and services. It probably costs a small fortune.


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