image “If you are submitting files to Google for use in Google Editions, Google accepts PDFs of both text and images, PDF with text layer is preferred. Google also prefers that you provide digital files with structure information where possible, such digital files may include but are not limited to (in order of preference): EPUB, xml, html, mobi, pdb, word documents, though only EPUB and PDF are guaranteed to be used at time of launch. Google also accepts physical books for it to scan, but warns that this method does not produce the highest quality text for ereaders.” – Help page.

Excerpt from DRM info on Help page: “Google will support Adobe ACS4 as its current provider of an industry standard digital rights management (DRM) solution for downloaded files of Google Editions.” Adobe-DRMed ePub, of course, is in effect a proprietary format. Another reason for smart publishers to avoid DRM!

Related: Yep, ePub is among Google Editions’ formats for commercial publishers and Watch out, Google Editions stocking up now for 2010 consumer debut.

Thanks, Dusk. Image found on Eburon site.


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