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Digireado has an interview with the founder of BiblioCrunch.  Here’s the beginning:

Every now and again you come across someone with the entrepreneurial spirit and get-up-and-go to take their dreams and make them a business reality. Miral Sattar is one of those people.

I met Miral last July at the Yale University Book Publishing Course where she presented her start-up businessBiblioCrunch. Since then Miral and BiblioCrunch have gone from strength to strength, including winning the Most Entrepreneural Publishing start-up showcase at the O’Reilly Tools of Change conference.

Thanks to Social Media and email Miral and I have been in constant contact over the last year and I talk about her company when I get the chance with authors. I wanted to find out more about her just relaunched website, business direction and the benefits that are available.

Digireado: Miral, why did you start BiblioCrunch?

Miral Sattar: I used to work it the product division at Time Magazine and left my six figure salary job to launch a startup :)  A year ago I noticed that people were buying eBooks based on breaking news events and thought, “Who better to publish eBooks than a company with great archives like TIME?” So I created a prototype and in the process discovered that the tools for creating eBooks were cumbersome and time consuming. So I created a platform which let’s you create eBooks on the fly. During beta testing I realized that not everyone wants to write their eBooks in the clouds, but they all are at a different point in their book production process. That’s when I came up with the idea of the freelancer marketplace.


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