Palm TX HandheldDeb Wilson, a Sydney-based Webmaster with a Sony Clie TG50 and an eagerness to help fellow e-bookers who use Palm-style devices, is the new comoderator of our Palm E-Book Forum.

We’re looking for other comoderators, too—people ready to talk up the forum and the possibilities of Palm-OS-based devices for e-books, as well as make sure that questions get answered. E-mail us.

No payment from Palm, just enthusiasm for the technology. The Palm TX, selling for less than $200 used, is one of the best ways to read e-books right now if you go for PDAs. Of course, as you can see from Deb’s Sony PDA, we’re very ecumenical.

Reach Deb at Here’s her full introduction:

Hi, I’m Deb Wilson, from Sydney, Australia. My first “Palm” was a Handspring Visor, and I got it so I could read stories off the Net in planes because I did a lot of traveling for work and hated lugging books around. From there I went to a Palm M100 and currently have a Sony Clie TG50. The readers I use are Docs-to-Go, iSiloX and PalmFiction, but as the latter reads all formats I think I’ll be discontinuing the others. I’m really looking forward to upgrading to a Palm TX one of these days!

I work full time and study on and off with Distance Learning at a university in Western Australia. And I also have two teenage sons, so I’m kept pretty busy!! But I’ve always been interested in e-reader technology and the hardware that makes it work, so was delighted when I stumbled across this Forum. Hope I can be of help to you all!

Thanks, Deb! And feel free to start a topic area for parents eager to get their kids interested in e-books.


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