Follow-up to our Slashdotted proposal for an E-Book Museum: Michael Hart can supply the Teletype machine he used to create the first texts for Project Gutenberg. Hint, hint, LOC?

Related: A blank $1 DVD can hold 10,000 Gutenberg books, containing almost the whole collection of PG content. Printed out, they would weigh as much as an elephant. Get a disk from Gutenberg and encourage friends, including those at your local library, to copy new disks for free. Great gift for the holidays! Email Michael Hart for a DVD if your connection isn’t fast enough for you to download the image file. I’ll update this item with the downloading address after I get it from Greg Newby, Michael’s associate.

Update, 4:05 a.m., Saturday: Greg writes that the address will be File size will be around 4.1 meg–a piece of cake if you have DSL or a cable modem. The address isn’t quite ready as of this writing, and it may change anyway. So e-mail Greg if you have difficulty.

Update, 1 a.m., Nov. 9: Here’s the latest.


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