Fear not, J.K., if you or your lawyers see the banner below on the DP Web site. It’s just “Talk like a Pirate Day,” complete with matching text on the project’s home page. And the pirates are the kind who go a-sailin’ on the Seven Seas, as opposed to the digital variety. Lower on the DP page you’ll see a nicely themed list of books on the nautical kind of piracy. Especially check out The Pirates Own Book, by Charles Ellms, complete with an account of an attorney’s daughter who ended up a pirate. Way to go, DP!

DP's Talk like a Pirate Day


  1. One of the Distributed Proofreaders posted this snippet from The Pirate’s Who’s Who:

    POUND, Captain Thomas.

    On August 8th, 1689, this pirate, with five men and
    a boy, sailed out of Boston Harbour as passengers in
    a small vessel. When off Lovell’s Island, five other
    armed men joined them. Pound now seized the craft
    and took command, and declared his intention of
    going on a piratical cruise. The first vessel they met
    with they decided to take. It was a fishing boat.
    Pound ran his craft alongside, but at the last moment
    his heart failed him, and he merely bought eight
    penn’o’th of mackerel from the surprised fishermen.

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