Screen shot 2009-11-05 at 9.37.08 AM.pngThere’s a lot of stuff out there that normal people, like me, don’t have any idea about. I found this on Resource Shelf and am amazed at the resources that are available. Unfortunately, this service only seems to be open to libraries. I certainly would pay a fee to have access from my own computer. It looks as if these files can be downloaded as PDFs and printed. The image is from the Detroit Free Press.

Here is the listing of newspapers that are available. Note  the Black Newspaper listing. I wasn’t even aware that such a category existed.

Atlanta Constitution—1868-1945
The Baltimore Sun—1837-1985
The Boston Globe—1872-1926
The Chicago Tribune—1849-1986
The Christian Science Monitor—1908-1996
Detroit Free Press—1831-1922
Hartford Courant—1764-1984
Los Angeles Times—1881-1986
The New York Times with Index—1851-2006
New York Tribune—1841-1922
San Francisco Chronicle—1865-1922
St. Louis Post-Dispatch—1874-1922
Wall Street Journal—1889-1992
Washington Post—1877-1993

International Newspapers:

The Guardian & The Observer—1791-2003
Irish Times & Weekly Irish Times—1859-2008
The Scotsman—1817-1950

Black Newspapers:

Atlanta Daily World—1931-2003
The Baltimore Afro-American—1893-1988
Cleveland Call & Post—1934-1991
Chicago Defender—1910-1975
Los Angeles Sentinel—1934-2005
New York Amsterdam News—1922-1993
The Norfolk Journal & Guide—1921-2003
The Philadelphia Tribune—1912-2001


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