image This is Good News—a pickup at the world’s largest E Ink display producer, which supplies Sony and Amazon/Kindle among others.Part of of a greater trend? Is the world economic slowdown about to reverse itself? Or is the trend still gloomy, despite all the happy talk from analysts about e-book reader sales? Excerpt from Digitimes:

"Small- to medium-size panel supplier Prime View International (PVI) saw its June sales rebound 23% sequentially to NT$663 million (US$21.79 million) as demand for niche products, including electrophoretic displays (EPDs), picked up, according to the company.

"The company said the significant revenue rise was also due to a low baseline for May. PVI’s sales for May totaled NT$538 million, down 30.7% on month, and down 26.5% on year."

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  1. This page only covers e-ink these days. Nothing interesting about LCD technology. I sent you guys something about an old LCD device that is pretty nice… Anyhow, a little disappointing because it seems another old faithful has gone the way of e-ink…

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