e-ink-color-prototype.img_assist_custom-299x225.jpgThis is being done at a trade show in China. The displays are showing animated color clips, but are not fast enough for video. According to the article in E-Ink-Info, PVI has shown these displays to Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but won’t say if there are any plans to use them in future ereaders.


  1. I must admit to being much more interested in the “new flexible displays, made from plastic which could make readers lighter and harder to break”.

    I’m not particular clumsy or careless, but I’ve had two broken eInk screens so far. The very thin glass substrate is really too fragile.

    The colour doesn’t sound so wonderful – eInk contrast isn’t wonderful at the moment, and putting a colour filter over the front can only make it worse.

    A 300dpi, plastic substrate, higher contrast monochrome screen would really be something. Low contrast. low res colour isn’t.

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