icon175x175.png148Apps has a review of the iPad app. They also did a more comprehensive review of the iPhone edition here. They give the app a 5 star “Immaculate” rating.

One of the main advantages of the FT application for iPad is the implementation of videos. The quality is excellent, and videos can be viewed in full screen for maximum viewing pleasure. iPad owners will be aware that the in-built speaker is much better than that of the iPhone, and so there are no problems with distortion, even at louder settings.

The real piece-du-resistance of FT for iPad is the market data section. Ordinarily, I always favour holding a paper in my hand, even in comparison to the iPad – there’s something about the feel of a paper. But what a paper can’t do the iPad can do: offer links to more information, which means you can have a whole stack of information in a relatively small screen. …


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