bebook-neo-200-200x0.jpgAdam Turner of the SMH has just published a review of the Neo:

While a stylus may seem passé, the Neo features Wacom tablet technology which allows you to use the eBook reader as a notetaker and sketchpad. It’s not a iPad-esque touchscreen which works with your finger, you need to call upon the stylus. You can even write on an eBook book using the stylus, which is useful if you’re studying. The ability to listen to MP3 while you read is also handy. To top things off, the Neo comes with a great leather case so you can easily slip it into your bag without fear of scratching the screen


More details in the review which is only part 1 of a series. Adam will look at the Neo’s strengths and weaknesses later in the week.

The BeBook people have sent me a Neo and as soon as life permits I’ll have my own review of the unit for you.

Via Tweet from Andrys Basten.


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