Cheapest E-book StoreThe Cheapest E-book Store is still offline, but the whois listing continues in the name of David Fellinger of Cincinnati. Trouble is, David denies that he had anything to do with the store, and in this era of identity theft and related confusion, I’ll cut him plenty of slack. Damn. The Internet is one big North by Northwest, and right now David F. must feel like Roger O. Thornhill after the knife went into the bigshot at the U.N.

Yes, I’ve tried to reach, the Web host that housed the Cheapest E-book Store. The domain registrant of the host is Bruce Wayne of Whittier, California, telephone 219-275-7548, email Alas, the phone number gives me a “not working” message. I going to try Bruce W. via email. Meanwhile I’d suggest that David F. tell his credit card companies and law enforcement officials what’s happening, and check with Dstar Acquisition VII, LLC (Dotster?), the listed domain registrar for Cheapest E-book. Will the registrar and others cooperate fully with law enforcement folks?

Keep us posted, David, and good luck! Would that I had time to get to the bottom of this. I hope that if need be you’ll take your case to ICANN, the Keystone Cop-style outfit that oversees the domain registration. Will the identity-theft artist be as successful at hiding his identity as spammer Gazit Bingaman has been? I complained to Bingaman’s registrar and to ICANN without results–even after the government of Cyprus told me that GB’s address was a fake. The clowns at ICANN are no small reason why the Internet is like North by Northwest.

Related: Earlier TeleBlog articles on Cheapest E-book Store.


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