download.jpegThe Business Insider has posted SAI’s iPad survey results. Here is a brief rundown:

Usage per day: 36% 1 – 2 hours, 38% 2 – 5 hours

Increased or decreased usage since acquired: 77% increased

Has is become your primary computer: 22% yes

Tasks performed: 37% web browsing; 23% email; 11% watching video; 10% playing games; 17% using other apps

Percentage of personal computing time spent with: desktop 22%; laptop 31%; iPad 31%; smartphone 15%

Web browsing done on: desktop 22%; laptop 31%; iPad 36%; smartphone 10%

Reading books on iPad: 74% yes; 25% no

Book format read on iPad: iBooks 42%; Kindle 50%; other 7%

Built in 3G on iPad: 46% yes; 54% no

For built in 3G, subscribe to data plan: 56% yes; 43% no

More results on the site.


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