Last Sunday, August 3, the “Books” department of the San Francisco Chronicle published its inaugural installment of The E-Reader, a monthly column devoted to e-books.

From Publisher’s Weekly:

The E-Reader will be written by Liz Colville, who, in addition to being a regular reviewer for the “Books” section, has written for BookforumNew York Magazine and The Economist. The column, which will not cover any title that goes into print, will review a handful of e-books on the first Sunday of every month. John McMurtrie, book editor at the San Francisco Chronicle, will edit.

Said McMurtrie: “Without diminishing The Chronicle’s longtime coverage of print books, we feel it’s important to recognize new formats in book publishing. These are perilous times for the publishing industry, but they also hold great promise. E-reader technology is much more sophisticated than it was just a few years ago, and digital publishing companies like San Francisco’s own Byliner are at the forefront of making excellent fiction and nonfiction available in this new format.”


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