I did on Comcast. Yes, Ondigo, the commercial was horrible but, mercifully, rather forgettable.

Interesting, isn’t it—how Amazon is advertising on the tube, after having focused so much on its Web site and word of mouth.

Hey, I’m not knocking the Kindle in this case, just the over-cute commercial. I found a commercial done on spec (left) to be far more interesting even if it may terrify more than a few Luddites.

What I want from Amazon for the holidays: ePub and more books with no DRM—or how about social DRM as a compromise? Time to be serious about educating publishers? Harlequin’s already getting religion.


  1. Thanks, David: that is very funny! … The message, intentional or not, says that paper books don’t stand a chance against this voracious new technology. Even the chosen music (theme from ‘Star Wars’) evokes the atmosphere of an endless war, an evil empire, and a shiny white hero. A parody of that video might steal a quip from another commercial: “Books check in, but they don’t check out.”

    May the Kindle be with you.

    Michael Pastore
    50 Benefits of Ebooks

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