Pete Lustig, 84-year old bloggerLibrarian Rochelle Hartman of Raccoon fame, our newest TeleBlog regular, has a great 84-year-old example of blogging’s potential for the elderly.

And I’d hope that e-books, which let text be enlarged for weak eyes, could also catch on.

Meanwhile, however, the technophobia so common among many older people is one more reason not to declare paper books obsolete.

Ideally the aging baby boomers will be more open to tech, just as Rochelle and other clueful librarians are expecting. Many boomers will suffer physical problems and limited mobility, so blogging, e-books and the Net in general could be essentials in their lives.

Let’s hope that future retirement homes have wonderful WiFi.

Related: Pete Lustig’s blog with advice for the elderly and their children.


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