This is a handy collection of nuts-and-bolts tips, including some e-book-related pointers, for librarians.

Unfortunately, patrons mentiond in a linked study from the U.K. did not take as well to e-book reading on PDAs as some would have hoped. I’d love to know more details. Hint: “Twenty-three readers completed questionnaires. Half of them were sixty years or older; two-thirds were retired.” So maybe the PDA fonts were too small for aging eyes? I wonder how tablets would have worked, especially Cybooks with a new flavor of Mobipocket with just such apps in mind.

Other pointers are to have a sufficient number of e-titles and to avoid suggesting that e-books will supplant p-books. Maybe the latter is also an Age Thing.

(Thanks to the University of Illinois SLIS folks, as well as a loyal Raccoon alum who pointed me to the tips.)

Also from the U. of Illinois: Teens’ use of Internet and online services documented in new book.


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