spectator.jpgOne of my favorite magazines over my 65 years has been The Spectator. For those who don’t know The Spectator is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, continually published magazines, having started life on July 6, 1828. I subscribed for years and tried the Kindle edition for a while. However, I dropped it because it did not include the wonderful cartoons that The Spectator is famous for.

Now, in conjunction with Exact Editions, there is an iPad app. The app is free and has sample access content and then can be upgraded to a full 30 day subscription (The Spectator is a weekly) for £2.39, and $3.99 in the US app store. This gives subscribers access to the previous four years of back issues..

Trust me – if you haven’t read The Spectator take a look. You’ll be hooked.


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