If you’ve been checking the weblog in the past hour, you’ve been noticing some screwy things. Last night I installed a new plugin called wp supercache which doesn’t seem to work the way it’s supposed to. It’s supposed to cache web pages more efficiently than its predecessor wp-cache. Instead it creates blank pages when you post or make a comment. I’m in the process of deactivating the plugin and trying to figure out how to bring the db back to its pristine state. For the impatient, there is always the RSS cache on google reader and of course Mobileread to follow. Stay tuned.

Update 12:45CST: We have achieved a modest correction for the problem. Still, expect to see some spotty performance over the day. Solving this problem will probably take some time. Also, if you post a comment, you may see a blank screen after you post. We know about that problem, and will try to fix it. From what i can tell, your comment still succeeds; you just don’t roll back to the original page you posted the comment at.

On another note, we have noticed that for some reason Google Reader and Bloglines are not showing complete feeds anymore. Arrrgh!!!


The TeleRead community values your civil and thoughtful comments. We use a cache, so expect a delay. Problems? E-mail newteleread@gmail.com.