I have one question for Netflix. I need an answer. If you click on the movie metadata, you can see other films by the same director or cast member. Why on earth would Netflix not also let you browse by the name of the script writer? They don’t even list it in the metadata.

I remember reading somewhere that in Shakespeare’s time his plays were very famous, and people associated them mainly with the   actors who played the leads – but nobody had  never heard of Shakespeare’s name. Shakespeare wasn’t exactly hiding his identity; in fact he published poetry widely under his name.  Looking back, it seems unbelievable that fans didn’t see what Shakespeare had accomplished in the theatre.  

Maybe someday in the not-too-distant future nobody will know who Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise is, but will fondly remember Glen & Les Charles, Bryan FullerGrant Naylor and Steven Mofatt. Those names don’t sound familiar? How typical. They’re some of the best script writers in the business – but none of them are listed on Netflix. (Thankfully, IMDB does list all of these people… as does Wikipedia).


  1. I agree with the author’s basic comment about script writers not getting enough recognition about their work. I can never see a time however where they will even closely dent the recognition given to the actors/actresses/directors/producers of a film. It is for this same reason that CEOs of companies are well known but the itty-bitty grunts who actually get dirty and produce the revenue-making products remain unknown. In the end I believe much of it is about ego satisfaction (and money of course). Is it any wonder that the big star actors and directors have the most insatiable egos while true writers are way more likely to be calm, humble and more grounded.

  2. Things are a bit better for novelists. People choose to read Nora Roberts and don’t care who the publisher or the editor are.

    Still, some of the least respected people on the planet are those of us who are creative because almost everyone assumes that, if they took the time, they could write a publishable book while they rarely believe they could walk into an NFL or NBA game and stand a chance against the pros.

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