Ralph Nader photo picked up from WikipediaRalph Nader presumably wants to stand apart from the pack and fight the special-interest laws that big media bought. Even more important, core principles count. So he would do well to consider speaking out against the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, the DMCA and other anti-Net, anti-consumer measures that will cost the public many billions and reduce the free flow of information needed in our democracy.

The Kerry-Edwards people claim to be for the small guy, but refuse to take meaningful public stands on the above legislation–all while pocketing millions and millions in campaign donations from Hollywood. An Edwards PAC received more than $900,000 from just one Hollywood producer early in the campaign, and yet neither the “People’s Senator” nor producer Steve Bing would offer me an explanation despite Edwards’ supposed interest in campaign reform. Perhaps Ralph Nader can press them for the full story–assuming that he does care nowadays about copyright. I’d hope so.

Zero mention of copyright debate

Alas, however, when I searched through the VoteNader.org site today under “Bono” and “DMCA”, I could not find one copyright-related item. Even the word “copyright” brought forth just “All rights reserved internationally…” Did I miss something?

Just what’s up, Ralph? You endorsed John Edwards–who sits on a copyright-related committee in the Senate–as John Kerry’s vice presidential choice. Perhaps you can now hold him accountable for his stands or lack of stands on copyright. Given all the free speech and economic implications, not to mention the educational and cultural ones, I’d hate to think that balanced copyright was at the bottom of your priorities. Maybe if you speak out, the Kerry-Edwards people can catch up. For that matter, perhaps even the White House can listen to law professor’s blogger Glenn Reynolds and understand that the real political payoff could be in doing the right thing. But I’d especially like to think that at least a little conscience survives among my fellow Democrats.

Getting Democrats to be democrats again

When it comes to the entertainment business, Democrats, not Republicans, tend to collect the most dollars. Part of this has to do with the liberalism of Hollywood. But mightn’t part of it be that the Democrats have struck a Faustian bargain with Hollywood greedsters? Here is a chance for Nader to help the Democrats be democrats again and say no to past and future special-interest legislation.

Via existing laws and new threats like the INDUCE proposal, the standard corporate interests are trying to rewrite the rules at the expense of our liberties, cultural heritage and pocketbooks. Ralph Nader’s participation in the counterattack would be most welcome.

Related: Glickman Rex, LA Times columnist Michael Kingsley’s dissection of Washington’s infatuation with powerful Hollywood lobbyists. We’ve reached the point where pols are asking for favors from lobbyists rather than the other way around. I live across the Potomac from DC, and even from here, the smell is overpowering–part of the general pollution. In the two parties’ attitudes toward copyright, we have a Coke-Pepsi choice of tainted water. What better example for Nader to use in his efforts to be Dr. Pepper? For a general overview of the issues, his people can read Free Culture if they haven’t already.


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