“The Open eBook Forum (Open Electronic Book Forum or OEBF) is an organization whose purpose is to develop a specification for electronic content, based on existing HTML and XML standards, that allows electronic book content to be viewed on various devices (PC display, PDA, or eBook reader) and all platforms.” – Whatis.com.

Update: Not only has the OeBF changed its name to the International Digital Publishing Forum, it’s also made clear that a standard consumer-level format is not part of its mission. That makes the above definiton out of date or at least grossly misleading. I’d suggest that Whatis.com start mentioning the OpenReader Consortium, which, by the way, covers more than e-books. Luckily some good folks behind the OeBF specs are showing interest in OpenReader, and that’s good. It’s fine with us OR types if people want to be in OeBF as well.


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