Hive gardners

From The Bookseller:

Nearly a quarter of all books sold on Hive since October have been digital, Gardners has revealed.

The book wholesaler launched the consumer-facing site in June, linking with 350 independent booksellers and giving them the much called-for ability to compete with larger, chain retailers in selling e-books.

In September, the company announced it would be the first UK platform with the capability to sell Google e-books and now Hive says nearly 25% of all sales through Hive have been digital. However, the company would not give exact sales figures and Google declined to give an update on its digital book sales in the UK.

Targeted customers emails focussing on e-books as people were downloading digital books onto their new gifted e-readers just after Christmas helped to achieve Hive’s e-book sales, the company said, which remained strong into January.

More in the article.


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