
From Beyond Black Friday, here’s the beginning of the article:

Once a year, I assemble my “master list” of shortcuts to the 30 most useful pages for Kindle owners – like all of the free ebooks and blogs that Amazon’s making available. But instead of trying to memorize a bunch of complicated URLs, I’ve created these shorter, easier-to-remember addresses that still lead to the same pages.

And all 30 of them start with …


Amazon’s 100 best-selling free ebooks are always available on this list (which is updated hourly!) And of course, the other side of the page also shows the 100 best-selling ebooks which are not free…
I just wanted to mention one of my personal favorite free ebooks. It’s the story of Mr. Toad and his river-dwelling friends, Mole and Ratty (plus the wise old Badger who lives in the woods nearby). A. A. Milne, the author of Winnie-the-Pooh, once even adapted this British literary fantasy into a well-received stage play. And of course, it also inspired the “Mr. Toad” ride at Disneyland


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