waterfall pressAmazon is launching a Christian imprint, the company announced on Thursday.

Waterfall Press will focus on faith-based fiction and non-fiction, and will debut next month. The fiction stories will include romance, mystery and suspense while non-fiction will focus on “spiritual refreshment and inspiration.”

Waterfall Press titles will be published through Brilliance Publishing.

“Brilliance has over 12 years of experience serving the Christian market as audiobook publisher of some of the most successful Christian authors writing today,” said Mark Pereira, President and Publisher of Brilliance Publishing. “We are excited to expand our offering to readers of faith-based material by publishing original Christian content with enduring appeal.”

Along with novel-length books, Waterfall will also publish shorter content, including works by Pastor Bryan Wilkerson (Living Deep, March 2014); Pastor Dan Meyer (Discovering God, April 2014); and the editors of global media ministry Christianity Today (Billy Graham; Leading With Love, April 2014).

Other companies have expanded into the Christian book recently. HarperCollins announced earlier this month its expanding WestBow Press, a self-publishing imprint for Christian authors in partnership with Author Solutions.


  1. My book Crossed Up is now on Kindle as an ebook. I am thinking about having it published as a short novella. Can you do that and can you accept it in your Christian Imprint? It is definitely a Christian book about a young woman Christian Education Director in a large church having trouble finding the right man.

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