41nWAF6RBEL._SL500_AA266_PIkin3,BottomRight,-17,34_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpgHere’s the text of an unsolicited email I just received from Amazon. This sets the standard for all other ebook retailers to meet:

We’re writing about your past Kindle purchase of ‘The Ice Man: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer’ by Philip Carlo. The version you received contained some errors that have been corrected.

An updated version of ‘The Ice Man: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer’ is now available. It’s important to note that when we send you the updated version, you will no longer be able to view any highlights, bookmarks, and notes made in your current version.

If you wish to receive the updated version, please let us know via e-mail at amazonkindle-feedback@amazon.com.

If you prefer, you can reach us by phone directly and toll free from many countries by clicking the Contact Us option in the right-hand column of our Kindle Support pages at:


We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your business with Amazon.


  1. Yes, Amazon is absolutely the best in Customer Service. The e-mail you quote is not an aberration; I received a similar e-mail after I reported numerous errors in a book I purchased. I contacted them as requested and a corrected copy appeared on my K within minutes.

  2. Amazon is the best in customer service. My company uploads eBooks for corporate accounts to Amazon and they were the ONLY eBook reseller that had a live (over the phone) one-on-one training on how to upload to their system. The Amazon representative was very nice and helpful and I know this makes for a better system as the eBooks can ensure better delivery and processing.

  3. Amazon sets the standard.
    But O’Reilly apparently matches them; I recently got an email notifying my of an updated version of an ebook I got from them.
    Hopefully this will be the norm and stop being newsworthy. 😉

  4. ” … you will no longer be able to view any highlights, bookmarks, and notes made in your current version.”

    Fine for most people reading novels but why can’t they sort this problem out ? It’s not rocket science to be able to migrate the notes…. 🙁

  5. Frank, I don’t think the losing of the highlighting, etc., is the good part of this story. The good part is that they are proactive about offering updated, corrected texts and giving customers the option to receive them. Can’t imagine too many readers filling “The Ice Man” with notes, highlighting, etc., anyway.

  6. They are the best, not just for ebooks but for Kindles as well.

    My Kindle was broken last spring. After a quick phone call, I received a new one just a couple of days later. All I had to do was send the broken one back in the same packaging, postage paid and download my archived ebooks to the new device.

    Quick, easy, and no hassles.

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