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Today is World Book Day and what better way to celebrate it than receive news like this.  Worldreader recently got a note from Bernard Opio, Project Manager at the HUMBLE United Methodist school. We’re thrilled to see that after only a few weeks after our launch there, so much reading is happening!  See for yourself below…

‘I was very happy on the day when the students had the e-reader competition and evaluation of the week’s use of the e-readers.

These were general achievements that the students have got from the use of the e-readers;

  1. The pupils have improved on their reading skill, since they do a lot of reading the stories during the time for reading.
  2. They have improved on their skills of speaking English as they read and listen to their teachers. They have also learnt how to pronounce different words which they could not pronounce. Mercy Anyango could not pronounce the word ’cooperation’, ‘colonialism’, but she can now do so.
  3.  The pupils are now able to use the world atlas (pictured above). This has been of great importance and it has made the teacher’s work in P4, P5, and P6 relatively simple.
  4. Using the Kindle, the kids have improved their vocabulary by playing games, especially those that help them to form words. Prisca Acheng P5 was able to complete the jig-saw. She was very excited and this encouraged others to continue trying on the same.
  5.  It has helped them in the using of the Bible compare to when they used to carry the physical bible. Doreen Nantale used to find difficulty in carrying a bible to the fellowship room, but now she enjoys the use of the e reader during school fellowships.
  6.  The use of the e-readers occupies the pupils especially at times when the teachers are not in their classes and during their library time.
  7. They enjoy reading the interesting stories at leisure times.
  8. It has greatly improved on counting numbers by playing Number Slides.
  9. The use of the dictionary has improved on learning the meanings of new words. The teachers have also encouraged the pupils to look out for new words during lessons. It has greatly helped.
  10. The playing of puzzle games has improved on their puzzle knowledge.                                                                                                                                                                          

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After the competition, the students gave general comments on the use of e-readers in the past weeks. Some of these are;

  1. The administration should add more e-readers such that every student can have one to avoid using in shifts.
  2. The Project Manager should have a proper time table on use of e-readers. Some classes had not been given enough time to use them.
  3. Pupils should make the best use of e-readers because learners do much of game playing than reading.
  4. More laws should be reinforced such that student don’t misuse, spoil and destroy the e-readers.
  5. Lastly, they thanked and appreciated Tina and the team for considering Humble United Methodist School.  In the whole of Ugandan  and most of all in Mukono district to have such a great privilege of using e readers. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.’

(Via Worldreader Blog.)


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