appleguitar Only one more day remains until we discover the newest things Steve Jobs has up his sleeve, and our sister blog Appletell has a roundup of all the recent rumors

I’ve already looked at the rumors that the iPod Touch is going to gain cameras, Facetime, and the Retina Display here and here, suggesting it may become not only a better e-book reader than ever before but also a better communication tool—essentially, a wifi-only cell phone without the cell.

And it will even get the “cell” back if it is paired with an unlimited 3G-to-wifi plan such as the prepaid plan offered by Virgin Mobile for $40 per month with no contract required—not only does that cost less than an iPhone voice + data plan, but it also foregoes AT&T’s iPhone bandwidth cap.

And now it comes out that Clearwire, the “4G” unlimited-bandwidth wireless ISP I mentioned in my first post about “retrofitting” 3G to wireless readers, is launching its own contract-free, pay-as-you-go wireless broadband plan. It will cost slightly more than Virgin’s, at $50 per month, and will be limited to use in Clearwire’s 49 markets—but on the other hand, it will offer download speeds of 3 to 6 megabits per second, somewhat faster than 3G can provide.

It’s going to be interesting to see what Apple announces tomorrow. What does the acoustic guitar logo mean? Are any other bombshells going to drop? Will there be “one more thing”?

All the usual suspects will be liveblogging the event, and I’ll try to post a summary soon after it ends.


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