small_logo.pngBack in August we mentioned this new notification service. You can find them here. Here’s what it does:

Any new books?’ is a free notification service that was developed to alert you to new books in categories of your choice. You can currently select from 42 categories that span a broad range of subjects (you’re free to pick however many categories you’d like). For each category that you select when you sign up, you will receive one weekly digest of hand-picked new book releases. The selection process is not automated, because we believe a human editor is better able to pick books that will better appeal to a wide audience.

Since then I’ve been getting emails from them in a number of categories (Biographies & Memoirs, History, Horror, Kindle, Sci-Fi & Fantasy and Science) and I have found it extremely useful. As a result of the notifications I’ve bought at least four books – books that I never would have known about otherwise. They also have a set of archives that lets you go back and see what recommendations have been made in the past.

Take a look.


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