survey.jpgReceived an email from Aptara to tell me about their survey of more than 300 U.S. publishers from the trade, professional and educational markets. The survey was attempting to find out why publishers weren’t making more profit from ebooks.

The survey revealed two major findings:

* Most publishers are selling eBooks through their own eCommerce sites and missing the vast consumer audiences provided by major distribution channels.

* Publishers are producing eBooks that cannot be read on most mobile devices, limiting the opportunities for wider consumption.

Other findings include:

* Over 50% of publishers who responded are offering titles in eBook format.
* 60% who do not currently offer eBooks plan to do so in the near future.
* 65% of publishers produce eBook versions of titles that are also offered in print.

You can find a link to their survey on their front page under the news and events column.


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