gilbane-2010-study-header_updated.pngDone by The Gilbane Group, Apatara is offering A Blueprint for Book Publishing Transformation for free. You can get it here.

A Blueprint for Book Publishing Transformation gives us an inside look at publishers practices and processes, with interviews and insights from Random House, McGraw-Hill, Hachette, Wiley, Wolters Kluwer, and Oxford University Press, to understand how publishers are practically solving the same business problems.

Also included are the results of an executive survey that reveals book publishers’:

Digital format types
Use of XML repositories
Types of digital publications produced
Gross digital publishing revenue percentages
Levels of interoperability among publishing processes
Use of outsource services for print publishing vs. digital publishing


  1. A quick scan of the eBook produced this quote:

    “Aulleta notes that “Amazon had been buying many e-books from publishers for about thirteen dollars and selling them for $9.99,””

    “David Young, the chairman and CEO of Hachette Book Group USA, saying, “The big concern – and it’s a massive concern – is the $9.99 pricing point. If it’s allowed to take hold in the consumer’s mind that a book is worth ten bucks, to my mind it’s game over for this business.””

    I am gobsmacked at the $13 dollars though less so by Mr Young’s idiocy.

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