Audible_Beta_for_Android.jpegAccording to Gadgetell,

Until now, because of the service’s DRM, users haven’t been able to use Audible on Android devices. Audible has finally solved that problem by releasing a beta Android app. The app links to your Audible account and allows you to download and listen to any audiobooks purchased through that account. You don’t have to wait for the full download to complete before listening, though which is a nice touch. If you don’t want to download the audiobooks onto your smartphone, side-loading it also available.

The app also features Audible news and trophies. There are levels that are unlocked the more you listen to audiobooks, and a collection of 18 trophies such as “Weekend Warrior” and “Audible Obsessed.” There are no explanations for how to unlock the trophies, but maybe those and more trophies will come with future releases.

To get the app you need to allow your phone to install apps outside of the Market (sorry Backflip owners), and join the Audible for Android Beta Google Group. Since the app is in beta, it might not be exactly stable, but that doesn’t mean it’s not usable. The solution isn’t nearly as easy as using the same music app as on the iPhone, but any chance to get Audible books on Android is a welcome one.


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