australia map.jpgItwire is reporting:

Dymocks … yesterday made a play to attract Australian consumers interested in the growing eBook phenomenon, launching support for the multimedia friendly DNL and the open ePub formats through its site. It’s not clear exactly which formats the company previously offered on its range of devices — including its flagship Iliad.

“The launch of these new formats on our website will give our eBook readers an interactive and enhanced reading experience like no other,” said Dymocks CEO Don Grover in a statement.

“We have over 3,000 eBooks available in DNL format on the Dymocks website. Most impressively however, is the interactive experience with editing capabilities to customise eBooks as well as sharing notes with other eReaders,” he added. Dymocks now offers over 150,000 eBooks through its website in total.

See, also, our article yesterday on Borders and ebooks in Australia and thanks to Resource Shelf for the heads up.


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