images.jpgFrom The Bookseller:

BBC Books and Vintage Classics have teamed up to create e-book bundles of titles to tie-in with the publication of Faulks on Fiction (BBC Books) and the BBC series of the same name.

The series, due to be broadcast from 5th February on BBC2, will examine the history of the British novel through the popular archetypes – heroes, lovers, snobs and villains – most commonly depicted in them.

BBC Books, which publishes tie-in Faulks on Fiction on 27th January as a £20 hardback, will release five e-book bundles on the same day, one each themed “Heroes”, “Lovers”, “Snobs” and “Villains”, as well as one featuring the complete Faulks on Fiction.

Each e-book will be bundled with between two and four Vintage Classics. ….

More info at the site.


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