churchill The Bookseller reports that Bloomsbury is going to digitize and e-publish the million-page personal archive of World War II prime minister Sir Winston Churchill. The archive reportedly includes “drafts and notes for his speeches, and key correspondence and papers."

The article does not mention whether this archive includes any books, either public-domain or still under copyright. It’s hard to imagine any single person’s archive being a million pages in size without them—but then, it’s hard to imagine it even with them. If any are included, I wonder what copyright issues Bloomsbury would have to clear?

31254db5-af85-4c0f-a1c7-2745637e4f80The archive will be sold worldwide, “with prices appropriate for the broadest possible market,” in versions customized for institutions, schools, and individuals. Academic publisher Frances Pinter notes that Bloomsbury plans to publish more 20th-century historical publications, including further archives.

I wonder if it will include anything about the Daleks?


  1. If you’ve ever tried to read Churchill (and I gave his 2-volume biography of the 1st Duke of Marlborough a gallant attempt) you wouldn’t be at all surprised he could crank out one million pages.

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