Got the following email from Jason Davis of Bookbee.  Bears looking into:

Bookbee has done a deal with US digital products startup Stampede.It to bring group buying or “daily deals” to ebooks. Bookbee will supply ebooks to the digital group buying company in an ongoing trial, with a view to establishing a permanent ebook “vertical” on the Stampede.It platform.

Consumers of physical goods and services are loving group buying as fast-growing companies such as Groupon and LivingSocial (and their many clones) can attest. But why should they have all the fun – and discounts. What about ebook readers?

One of the main reasons Bookbee committed to supplying ebooks to Stampede.It is their multiple tipping point model for group buying. On other sites, when a deal goes “live” after hitting the required number of sales, the incentive to spread the word about the deal on their networks ends. But with multiple tipping points, buyers who sign up to the deal have an ongoing reason to share it. At every subsequent tipping point after the first, the ebook buyers already signed up get another healthy discount. Everyone’s a winner!

I’m not aware of any other group buying company doing this; I believe it’s a first in the industry. And certainly a first for ebooks.

First author (in a cab?) off the rank is US thriller writer Scott Nicholson, with his rafting adventure horror/thriller The Gorge. 

See press below.



The Gorge cover

Yep, you heard right – with the help of group buying platform Stampede.It, we are experimenting with ebook “daily deals”.

Daily deals, group buying, whatever you want to call it, it means cheap ebooks for you.
The current live deal is The Gorge by US thriller extraordinaire Scott Nicholson. Like a good scare? This ePUB novel will fit the bill nicely, from the award-winning writer.
It’s just $1.50 now – that’s half price. And the more people sign up for the deal, the cheaper it gets. Down to a tiny $0.75. That’s how this kind of thing works – the more friends you tell, the cheaper it gets.
Stampede.It! Two more days only.


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