image"Worldwide e-book display shipments will rise to 18.3 million units in 2012," says iSuppli as summed up in DigiTimes.

If so, that could mean a lot more more opportunities in E for writers and publishers.

But remember, the real action over the long run may well be on the iPhone and other cellphones.

Click on the chart for for a better view.

Other info from the DigtiTimes summary:

"Amazon’s Kindle has proven there is a viable market for e-books with shipments expected to reach 1 million units in 2008, according to iSuppli…

"Sales of e-books will be propelled by demand from key markets, including education (textbooks, reading and reference material, electronic dictionaries and organizers), consumer markets (novels, magazines, guides and newspapers), professional segments (trade publications, manuals and product literature) and other areas (government documentation, military maps and religious books and material).

"The most popular average display size for e-books is six inches in the diagonal dimension with an average selling price (ASP) of about US$23."

Hmm. Is that last number right?


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